Matilda Bernard an Ernst Haeckel, Wimbledon, 9. Februar 1905
Lancaster Rd.
Feb. 9. 1905
Dear Professor Haeckel
My husband & I send you our best thanks for the copy of „The Wonders of Life“ you have so kindly sent us through your publication. It has been in our possession for two or three weeks but we did not while at once, wishing to read it before doing so. ||
It is a most lucid & interesting exposition of subjects of perennial interest, & I have particularly enjoyed the Physiological Section, as that branch of Biology has always had a special fascination for me since, as a girl, I attended Professor Huxley’s inspiring lectures. It must be very gratifying to you to have had so many communication from || appreciative readers of your „Welträthsel“ –
I have heard today that it is possible that you may be coming to England before the end of the month. My husband & I hope, in that case, that we may have the pleasure of seeing you.
I believe you have already received an invitation from Miss Smedley of the Lyceum Club, the large || new London Club for women workers in Literature, Sciences & Art, to be their guest at a dinner on March 4th. I am one of the members of that Club (I believe we number nearly 2000!) & hope very much that you will give us the pleasure of seeing you there. I think you would be interested in this new phase of English life. I believe Berlin is soon to have a similar Club.
My husband joins me in kindest regards & thanks || & in hopes that we may see you shortly.
Believe me,
Yours sincerely
M. Bernard.a
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