Patrick Geddes (Sociological Society) an Ernst Haeckel, London, 2. Februar 1905

Sociological Society

5, Old Queen Street,



2 Feb. 05.

Dear Professor Haeckel,

Let me thank you for your very kind remembrance of me in again sending me your new book. Your great „Generelle Morphologie” was one of the most important influences of my own life, and I trust its ideas are also fructifying in many other minds: but now this other book will I am sure find a far wider public, & one || better prepared also.

We have just had news that you are to pay a visit to London before long. I hope this is true, & that I may have the pleasure of meeting you, as I am here for one or two courses of lectures – of which I send you syllabuses, – and also for a course at Oxford.

I wonder have you heard of this society, which was started last year, and which largely represents the little Edinburgh people as well as that of || London? I am asking the secretary to send you our first publication – „Sociological Papers” a volume of papers by Francis Galton; Westermack, Durckheim & others, including myself – and he (Duncan Branford, the secretary, & also one of our most productive thinkers & workers) desires me to ask if you would do us the very great pleasure and honour of reading a paper – or giving a short address to the society? – say upon the Contributions of Biology to Sociology, || or any more special subject you may prefer? The date and hour (afternoon or evening)a of the meeting, I am sure, could be arranged to meet your convenience, and a camical chairman also invited. Should we ask Ray Lankester for instance? Or Alfred Russell Wallace, who is still vigorous, & productive, & controversial? (Francis Galton unfortunately will be abroad.).

I hope then you may accept this warm though informal invitation. I can assure you that you will have a large & interested audience.

Believe me yours very truly


N. B. I also send you my own recent Dunfermline volume- applied biology & sociology also.

a eingef.: hour (afternoon or evening)

Brief Metadaten

Brief ohne Umschlag
Institution von
Sociological Society
Entstehungsland aktuell
Vereinigtes Königreich
Entstehungsland zeitgenössisch
Umfang Seiten
Umfang Blätter
13,1 x 20,5 cm
Besitzende Institution
EHA Jena
A 987
Geddes, Patrick an Haeckel, Ernst; London; 02.02.1905;