Charles E. Hooper (The Rationalist Press Association) an Ernst Haeckel, London, 10. Juni 1899
The Rationalist Press Association,
Registered Office – 17, Johnson’s Court, Fleet Street, London, E. C.
10th June 1899
Professor Ernst H. Haeckel,
Dear Sir,
At a meeting of the Director of this Association, held on the 5th inst., it was resolved that you should be invited to become an „Honorary Associate”. The title is explained on p. II of the pamphlet which together with a copy of the Memorandum and Articles, is enclosed herewith. You will please observe that no liability or official responsibility attaches to the post, and your consent would be simply equivalent to expressing a general approval of the objects for which the Association has been formed. There are stated for legal purposes in the Memorandum, and popularly explained in the pamphlet. If you will friendly allow your name to appear in our list of Honorary Associates, we believe that the Association (and, indirectly its objects) will be materially helped therely.
I am, dear Sir,
Yours Truly
Charles E. Hooper,