I shall be glad to have the plates at the price named. Please tell the lithographer to remove the a words „Jenaische Zeitschrift” and „Taf. etc.” and to place instead.
“Microsc. Journ. Vol. XVI. N.S. Pl. VII (in place of XIX)
" " " VIII for XX
" " " IX for XXIII
" " " X for XXIV ||
The Lithographer can get this done and in two days time I will write to you again concerning the way the plates should be sent to Messrs Churchill. I hope you have by this received a copy of the History of Creation. 400 copies were sold on the day of publication, although the publishers are charging 30 marks. The parsons here in Oxford will be furious when they read it. I look forward to some good fighting. I am not able at present to live in London because they have no money to pay me at University College. || I hope soon that they will be able to give me enough to enable me to leave Oxford – which is a perfect den of parsons.
I am much interested in what you say about persistence of Gastrula-mouth and as to Coelom – and am glad that you regard these as open questions.
You will be glad to hear that Huxley is in good health and working. He is to lecture again in Edinburgh this summer. He gets £1200 for ten weeks lecturing!!
I fell quite sure that both Rabl and Ihering are wrong in the points on which they attack me. Rabl’s observations on Anodon confirm mine on Pisidium as to the invagination.
Klein will soon publish in my journal some observations on the development of osseous fishes.