Macmillan & Co., Publishers an Ernst Haeckel, New York, 13. November 1893

NEW YORK, Nov. 13th 1893

Prof. Ernest Haeckel, | Jena, Germany

Dear Sir:

Permit us to bring to your attention

„A Theory Of Development And Heredity“

By Henry B. Orr, Ph. D., Professor of Biology in Tulane University at New Orleans, La. The work is a presentation of this most interesting subject from a point of view in some ways distinctly original and in many ways especially helpful and suggestive.

We shall be pleased if you can find the time to examine the book, and should it seem to you a valuable one, bring it in any way possible to the notice oft the students in your departement, and we should be interested to know how the book strikes you after you have found time to read it.

Hoping to hear from you, we are,

Very truly yours,

Macmillan & Co.


Letter metadata

Place of origin
Country of origin
Possessing institution
EHA Jena
EHA Jena, A 44717