Murray, John

John Murray (Challenger Office) an Ernst Haeckel, Edinburgh, 20. April 1884

Challenger Expedition Office,

32 Queen Street, Edinburgh,

20 April 1884.

My Dear Haeckel

I was of course very sorry that you could not come to the opening of the station, but still more sorry that you werea prevented from doing so by illness. We will always || be glad to see any foreign naturalists here and to do all we can to assist them. They will have the use of the station free of charge. You can let this be widely known in Germany. All my books will || be available for use at the station. I thank you very much for your kind offer to send any of your works. There is no need of sending any of those which I now have, but if you can send any which are not on the enclosed list I would be very || glad to have them. I have not seen work on the fossil Radiolaria. Where is it published? I hope we may sometime find a Flint Mountain for you!!

Best remembrances to Mrs Haeckel and family. Perhaps you will come to see us sometime in the summer


John Murray.

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Letter metadata

Place of origin
Country of origin
Possessing institution
EHA Jena
EHA Jena, A 41555