Murray, John

John Murray an Ernst Haeckel, Edinburgh, 10. Juni 1891

28 Douglas Crescent,


My Dear Haeckel

Very many thanks to you and Mr Dreyer for the lists of Radiolarians on my figures.

My wife had a little daughter on the 8th inst. a fine strong healthy baby, and my wife is very well, so that we have every reason to think we are fortunate this time, it is probable that all will continue to go || well with the mother and baby.

I was very glad to learn that Mrs Haeckel was much better.

Prince Monaco is to be here on the 7 July in the „Princess Alice” his fine new 600 ton yacht which has been entirely fitted up for deep Sea work. Electric Light, Dark-rooms, dredges, Sounding-machines, tow nets and three laboratories. The || Prince is to describe his ship to the Royal Society on the 8th and on the evening of that day we give him a dinner at the Club. On the 9 he receives the Royal Society on board. Will you come over in time for this demonstration? If so, we will be very delighted.

At all events we will expect you in August we go to Millport as soon as the Prince leaves Edinburgh.

I have a letter || from Agassiz, he has been working in the East Pacific for three months in the „Albatross”, he says his deep sea tow-net worked like a charm. He says the results will interest me and promises to let me have details soon.

Yours sincerely

John Murray.


Letter metadata

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EHA Jena
EHA Jena, A 25089