Patrick Geddes an Ernst Haeckel, Edinburgh, [vor August 1884]
6 James’ Court
Sunday –
Dear Prof. Haeckel
I trust that this year we may have the pleasure of seeing you in Edinburgh in August, the more so since the meeting of the British Association here (August 3–10) promises || to be a very good one.
If you think of coming may I remind you of your kind promise to give us a lecture in connection with the usual Summer meeting at Granton Marine Station & University Hall? || The subject might be either one of general biology, or special zoology as you may prefer; of course the former subject would be more widely attractive. I trust I need hardly say that you may feel quite free in the treatment of your subject || and that you will have an appreciative audience –
We are asking Dr. John Murray & Mr. Levine also to give a lecture.
My friend & colleague Arthur Thomson unites in kind regards – Believe me
Yours very truly
An early postcard will be very welcome.