Charles E. Hooper (The Rationalist Press Association) an Ernst Haeckel, London, 27. August 1902
The Rationalist Press Association,
Registered Office –
17, Johnson’s Court, Fleet Street, London, E. C.
27th August, 1902
G. J. Holyoake
Charles A. Watts
Honorary Associates:
Leslie Stephen | Edward Clodd | John M. Robertson | Stanton Coit | W. R. Washington Sullivan | J. S. Mackenzie | Emile Zola | Ernst Haeckel | Ed. A. Westermarck | W. C. Coupland | F. J. Gould | J. G. R. Forlong
Charles E. Hooper
Dear Sir,
In order to make the truths of science, and the results of modern research and reflection, more widely known in this country, we are issuing a series of sixpenny reprints of works by eminent rationalists. We have already published three of these (by Huxley, Lang, and Clodd, respectively), and I am now sending you a set of them by book-post. It is our present intention to proceed with a similar cheap reprint of your „Riddle of the Universe”, and we believe it would add to its interest and popularity to have your portrait on the cover, as Huxley’s, in the case of „Lectures and Essays”. Can you kindly furnish us with one of the best photographa portraits of yourself, for this purpose?
Yours truly
Charles E. Hooper, Sec.
a eingef.: photograph