James Emmanuel Barten an Ernst Haeckel, Liverpool, 18. Juni 1896
E. Young & Co. Ld.
LIVERPOOL, 8th June 1896
Dear Sir,
I am an English clerk in a Wine & Spirit Merchant’s office in this city – age 27.
My wife & myself have read with great pleasure a benefit to ourselves, your work „The History of Creation“ translated revised by Prof. E. Ray Lankester, we admire it more than we can possibly express, & realise that it has developed our lines of thought in right direction more perhaps than any || book could have done.
It has also been our good fortune to obtain a copy of your book „Monism“ or the confession of fate of a man of science; this work we love, & in loving it love its author also.
We have both (my Wife self) given up the orthodox creed of narrow bigotry, & in so doing have learned to value & appreciate the true ethics of goodness such as are set forth in „Monism“.
My object in writing is to heartily thank you for the good influence you have had in our lives, & to ask (if you can grant such a favor) || for your Photograph, so that we may – even in a slight degree – become personally acquainted with you.
With kindest regards, & hopes that you may long continue your labours for the good of mankind.
I am, dear Sir,
Very sincerely yours.
James Emmanuel Barten.
Of Ernest Haeckel