I am engaged in the study of the Medusae of our waters and [I] am very desirous of adding to my small collection of working literature your valuable and indispensable work „Das System der Medusen“. In first part of which (by the kindness of a friend who has lately lectured from Germany) I already have. I am too poor to buy the second part, being dependent upon my daily labor for my living, and yet I feel the need of it in my studies. I have therefore taken the liberty to address you, thinking you perhaps may || have an extra copy of part second which you would be willing to give me. I feel that I am taking a great liberty, and also that I am asking a great favor at your hands and I trust I maya hope for your pardon for my presumption, but my desire to obtain this valuable adjunct to any mean of prosicuting my scientific persuits; must be my excuse for my need, while my poority must please for my presumptions.
Hoping to hear from you
I remain respected Sir
Your obedient servant
Geo. A. Bates.
To Dr Ernst Haeckel
Prof at the University
of Jena. ||
b I would refer you to Dr. A. S. Packard of Brown University, Providence R.I. Prof. E. S. Morsa, Director of the Peabody Academy of Science Salem Mass. Prof. F. N. Putman of the Peabody Museum of archaeology and Ethnology Cambridge Mass.
Dr. Henry Wheatland of the Essex Institute Salem Mass. Any of these gentlemen can and will if you desire give you any information you may wish concerning me.
Respectfully yours
Geo. A. Bates.
a korr. aus: my; b weiter auf S. 2: I would refer… Respectfully yours Geo. A. Bates.