Herman Bernstein an Ernst Haeckel, An Bord des Dampfers „Cincinnati“, 16. Juni 1912
DEN June 16th 1912
To His Excellenz,
Professor Ernst Haeckel,
Dear Professor Haeckel;
It was a great disappointment to me that I was unable to see you during my brief visit to Jena. I have interviewed some of the greatest writers and statesmen || in the world, and I was eager to meet the greatest living philosopher. Perhaps I may have this honor and pleasure next year, when I return to Europe.
I made the acquaintance of Dr. Schmidt in Jena and had an agreeable conversation with him. I understand that you are at present writing your autobiography. I am writing to inquire whether the New York Sun, one of the most serious and important newspapers || in America, could not make an arrangement with you for the American Rights of this work of yours, to be brought out later in book form. Or would it be possible for us to get one or more of the earlier chapters of your autobiography to be published in the New York Sun now?
I would greatly appreciate it || if you would also be kind enough to send me a copy of the article you have written for the „Zeitgeist“. I would like very much to reproduce it in America.
With highest esteem and the best of wishes, I am
Faithfully yours,
Herman Bernstein
c/o The New York Sun,
New York.