Aeneas O’Neill an Ernst Haeckel, [London], 9. März 1909
March 9 1909
Hochgeehrter Herr Professor!
I beg of you to excuse me for troubling you in a matter in which I should like to have spared you had I been able to get what I require otherwise. I have written for an American newspaper syndicate an article for the occasion of your || approaching retirement.
Photographs are needed to illustrate this article and unfortunately neither Professor Plate, from whom I obtained some of the information, nor Professor May of Karlsruhe, is able to given me what I want. The latter writes me “Ich würde Ihnen raten, sich an Professor Haeckel selbst zu wenden, der Ihnen gewiss die Photographien zu dem genannten || Zweck zur Verfügung stellen wird.“
I only want to borrow them & promise to return them absolutely uninjured, after being copied for reproduction. The photographs which I need are thosea given in “Die Menschen” for January.
(1) Yourself and your Assistant in the Canary Islands
(2) Yourself sketching in the open air
(3) The “Villa Medusa”
(4) The Phyletic Museum or The University of Jena. ||
Perhaps some Photographer at Jena has these Photographs, or at least those of the three buildings.
If so I would gladly pay for them, if you would be good enough to hand him this letter.
I shall be happy to send you a copy of the article when it appears.
Thanking you very heartily, in anticipation, remain,
Yours very truly
Aeneas O’Neill
I am a member of the Rationalist Press Association.
[Beilage: Visitenkarte]
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a eingef.: those; b gestr.: “THE TIMES” BERLIN ROONSTRASSE 1.