Dora L. Schmitz an Ernst Haeckel, London, 14. Februar 1909
12 Leamington Rd. Villas
London W.
Feb. 14th 1909
Lieber und hochverehrter Professor,
Your birthday has come round once more and gives me the welcome opportunity of sending you a few lines. For, indeed, I wish to join the chorus of your friends and disciples in whishing you my heartiest good wishes.
I learn from the papers that you have retired from your University work & now devote || your leisure to your Phyletisches Museum. Most sincerely do I hope that the rest thus gained wile long help to preserve you in health and happiness among those dear to you.
The little photos you sent me last year of yourself, & the views of your home & study, have been a great pleasure & are often looked at. I keep them very reverently on my desk.
Last spring when with friends || from Bonn on the Mosel, we met two young nephews of yours, & together sent you a kind greeting from among the hills there. Perhaps it never reached you. –
Again with every good wish, dear honoured Dr. Haeckel, believe me
Your sincere friend
L. Dora Schmitz
Dr. Ernst Haeckel.