William Evans Hoyle (Challenger Office) an Ernst Haeckel, Edinburgh, 29. Oktober 1884
Challenger Expedition Office,
32 Queen Street, Edinburgh,
My dear Sir.
I have received the proof of sheets 3–6, which you have returned. Of the last, however, there are two copies, one which I sent to you with suggestions made by me in red ink & another with corrections made by yourself. I am in some uncertainty as to whether you wish the suggestions which I made in || red ink to be carried out, for I see that some of them you have transferred to the other copy from which I should infer that you regard the others as unnecessary.
If, however, you think it desirable that my corrections should be made it would be an advantage if you would make any others that are necessary on the same sheet.
I notice in one of the earlier sheets (no.5.) that the word „stick” has been corrected by | you into rod, but in sheet 6 you have allowed it to remain „stick”. „Rod” is much more in accordance with English usage & if you have no reason to the contrary it would be well to use this word throughout.
I posted to you yesterday sheet 7, on one copy of which I have made some suggestions for your consideration. ||
I remain
Yours very sincerely
W. E. Hoyle.
Prof. E. Haeckel.