McCabe, Joseph

Joseph McCabe an Ernst Haeckel, London, [14. September 1907]

16, Elm Grove.


London N.W.

Dear Professor Haeckel,

W. Fisher Unwin has just sent me – rather late – the enclosed notices of my translation of Bölsche’s book. I thought they would interest you, & so am sending them on to you. I have sent all of them – good, bad, & indifferent – because I thought you would prefer me not to makea a selection. But I am glad to see that they are so generally favourable. The || press here does not notice Rationalistic works as a rule. Editors still have a stupid idea that the great majority of their readers are still Christians, which is not the case in England.

I am glad to think that the book has helped to correct the misrepresentations which clerical people have spread here. The only serious student who has ventured to attack you here is Sir Oliver Lodge, & I have easily been able to settle him. He knows || a good deal about magnetism, but absolutely nothing about zoology – & biology generally & philosophy. I believe the clerics have tried to get Lloyd Morgan to „refute” you, but he has behaved very well indeed. He is, you probably know, a sort of theist, but he tells the parsons plainly to entertain no hope of your being refuted from the scientific side. I wish you had been able to come over this autumn, & I could have given you a long account of the state of thought over here. Possibly you || may be able to come next Spring.

You will have some idea of the progress made here when I tell you that I have lectured quite a hundred times on the evolution of man, &c. (with slides of your illustrations & others), & sometimes had audiences of 1800 & 2000 people, during the last two winters.

I trust your health keeps good, & that you are preparing some new work (memoirs, or something) – & also that your great museum is making progress.

With kindest regards,

I remain,

Yours very sincerely

Joseph McCabe

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