I am sending you a copy of Dr. Ray Lankester’s Presidential Address to the British Association. It has one or two references to you which may interest you, though I do not admire the way they are put. If you have a moment to spare I should be glad to hear your opinion of what he says about the marsupials. He seems to wish || to strike them out of man’s ,progonotaxis’
The last few sentences of the address are very lamentable. They will be quoted in all the churches of England. I cannot help thinking – though I do not like to think it – that they have something to do with Lankester’s dismissal from his position at South Kensington. He looks as if he were anxious to show that he is not as heterodox as people think. It is very unfortunate.
There has been nothing of much interest here lately in the way of controversy. Sir Oliver Lodge seems to have abandoned the || field. Your biography was very well received, & seems to have made a good impression. I may say that Prof. Lloyd-Morgan (almost the only Christian biologist in this country) wrote very nicely both of it & of your Entwickelungs-Gedanke. He has given the clerical writers a fine lesson in politeness.
I hope that your health continues to be satisfactory. It was a great disappointment to me not to be able to come to Jena this summer, but I have been very busy writing & lecturing, & at the same time trying to extend my acquaintance with zoology & paleontology. I hope to see you next year.