McCabe, Joseph

Joseph McCabe an Ernst Haeckel, London, [nach 25. November 1905]

16, Elm Grove.


London N.W.

Dear Professor Haeckel,

A few days ago I received from Herr Herold a copy of his bust of you & wrote to him for explanation. He now tells me he sent it at your order.

I am pleased beyond expression at your goodness in sending it to me. My Rationalist friends were beginning to look on my little house as a shrine of Haeckelism – or St. Ernest! – – this will now be the altar-piece of the temple. I am very || grateful to you for your kindness in the last few weeks.

I have no more questions to bother you with but have finished the biography. I have not the books you asked me about (Walther May, Schmidt, & the Indische Reisebriefe) but no doubt I can see them at the British Museum, so please do not trouble to send them. I hope your health continues to improve.

Yours very truly

Joseph McCabe

I will send you in a few days Sir Oliver Lodge’s criticism (!) of the Riddle & a copy of my autobiography as a priest.


Letter metadata

Besitzende Institution
EHA Jena
EHA Jena, A 25936