John Murray an Ernst Haeckel, Edinburgh, [24.] Dezember 1904
Registered Telegraphic Address.
Challenger. Edinburgh.
Challenger Lodge,
Christmas 1904.
My dear Haeckel.
This is to wish you, Mrs Haeckel and all your family a very merry Christmas and a bright New Year, and may you see many more of them.
I was travelling for three months with my wife in United States and Mexico and we || arrived home the first of this month none the worse of our experiences.
I was reading the German Edition of your wonders of life two evenings ago when the English Edition was handed in to me. I thank you very much for both books. They are Excellent, || and will have an excellent effect on intelligent people.
Yours sincerely
John Murray.
P.S. We are all very well at present, and I trust it is the same with you and yours
I have lately purchased a villa near here, and || have placed in it all my books, my collections, a chemical laboratory and work shops &c. I’ve called the villa „Villa Medusa”.