Thomas Henry Huxley an Ernst Haeckel, London, 10. Januar 1869
The Royal School of Mines
Jermyn St. London
January 10 1869
I beg you to have the goodness to convey to the members of the „Medicinisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft of Jena“ my very sincere thanks for the distinction they have conferred upon me by electing me an Honorary Member of their body. ||
It gives me great pleasure to find myself thus enrolled among men for whom I entertain a profound respect; and to be rewarded by their thanks for a service which I was very glad to have the opportunity of rendering them.
With the warmest expression of my personal and scientific esteem for yourself
believe me
Mr. President
Your faithful Servant and Colleague
Thomas H. Huxley
Dr. Ernst Haeckel
Präsident of the Jena
Medicinisch. Naturwiss. Gesellschaft