Huxley, Thomas Henry

Thomas Henry Huxley an Ernst Haeckel, London, 28. Oktober 1862

The Royal School of Mines

Jermyn S. London

October 28th 1862


A copy of your exceedingly valuable and beautiful monograph “Die Radiolarien” came into my hands two or three days ago and I have been devoting the little leisure I possess just at present, to a careful study of its contents – which are to me profoundly interesting and instructive. ||

Permit me to say this much by way of introduction to a request which I have to prefer – which is, that you will be good enough to let me have a copy of your Habilitationsschrift “De Rhizopodum Finibus” if you have one to spare – If it is sent through Fromman’s of Jena to the care of Messrs. Williams & Norgate, London – it will reach me safely.

I observe that in your preface you state that || you have no specimens of the famous Barbados deposit.

As I happen to possess some from Schomburgk’s own collection – I should be ashamed to allow you any longer to suffer from that want, and I beg your acceptance of the inclosed little packet. If this is not sufficient, pray let me know and I will send you as much more.

If you desire it I can also send you some of the || Oran earth and as much as you like of the Atlantic deep sea soundings which are almost wholly made up of Globigerina and Polycistina.

I am


Yours very faithfully

Thomas H. Huxley

Prof. E. Haeckel


Letter metadata

Besitzende Institution
EHA Jena
EHA Jena, A 19317