Schmitz, L. Dora

L. Dora Schmitz an Ernst Haeckel, London, 10. Januar 1900

12 Leamington Rd. Villas


London. W.

Jan. 10th 1900.

My dear Dr. Haeckel,

How am I to tell you of the surprise & pleasure you have given me with your letter & its generous words, & with the very welcome gift of your new work „Die Welträthsel“? I am indeed proud to think that I am the first to whom you offer your work for translation into English, & it is good to feel that you hold me in such kind and friendly remembrance.

I see your letter is dated „Jena, 15-12-1899“, and I have only today (Jan. 10-1900) received the parcel from Mr. Watts, so I hasten || to let you know of its safe delivery into my hands by this evening’s post. Probably there was some difficulty in finding me, as the dear, old home was broken up two years ago after the beloved Mother’s peaceful passing away. My sister & I have now made a little home at the above address & hope to remain here.

There can be no shadow of doubt that your new work will be eagerly looked for in English form and I need not say that if the work is entrusted to my care, every word and thought will be handled with the reverance & affection I feel for this author. And meanwhile I even rejoice in the thought that I may ‒ even though in the humblest way ‒ be connected with so grand || and valuable a treatise. ‒ But, as you suggest, I may require the assistance of an editor & so shall speak to Prof. E. Ray Lankester as well as to Mr. Watts on the subject, & when I have consulted these gentlemen, will let you at once know the result.

I suppose at the age of 66 years one does begin to feel a little old, at all events one deserves a time of rest & leisure then; and surely this may be said of you, dear Dr., who have for so long been the staunch and valiant leader of mankind towards Light & Truth with your grand & noble works.

I am not quite 66 yet, so I may perhaps still call myself young (?), at all events I am thankful to say I still feel all the || spirit an energy of youth and an enthusiasm for all that is great & good.

Do you remember my little Studirzimmerchen in Belsize where you one day honoured me with a visit, and as a remembrance of it, wrote out for me too lovely couplets from dear old Goethe? ‒ I have them still!

With friendliest of greetings and sincere good-wishes that you may have many years before you to enjoy the repose from work you speak of now taking, believe me, dear Doctor,

Yours sincerely always

L. Dora Schmitz

An Herrn Professor

Dr. Ernst Haeckel



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